Competitive Bidding & Reverse Auctions in the Central & Latin American Power Sector
The Government of Honduras (GOH) has made significant strides improving macroeconomic indicators over the last several years, however; progress has been more difficult in the energy sector despite a number of important advances. One of these advances is the General Law on the Electricity Industry (LGIE) in 2014 was aimed at restructuring the Honduran energy sector into a competitive, modern electricity market by restructuring the National Electric Power Company (ENEE), splitting it into separate business units to form Grupo ENEE, which consists of ENEE Holding (a holding company) and generation, transmission, and distribution companies. Another was the establishment of a Secretary of Energy. Work on a long-term energy strategy is advanced, and recently, the Secretary of Energy has begun work on a legal and regulatory framework for reverse energy auctions.
This workshop will discuss how reverse energy auctions work, the different options for conducting reverse energy auctions, and lessons learned in some of the Latin American countries that have conducted reverse energy auctions.
As this workshop is for Honduran stakeholders, all presentations will be in Spanish with no translation available. Honduran stakeholders who register for this event and attend 90% of the workshop are eligible for IEEE certification.
SESSION 1 (November 17th): REGISTER HERE
Case Study: COLOMBIA
What needs to be in place to host an auction?
SESSION 2 (November 18th): REGISTER HERE
Case Study: Chile
Financing Energy Auctions & Risk Management
Case Study: BRAZIL
Organizing & Operating Energy Auctions- a check list of options
SESSION 3 (November 19th): REGISTER HERE
Bidder Qualification Process in Energy Auctions
Case Study: MEXICO
Presentation Honduras