
In cooperation with the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Fossil Energy, USEA’s Consensus team hosts various workshops throughout the year related to CCUS and Clean Fossil Energy Technologies. These workshops draw upon some of the most experienced and brightest minds within Government, Industry, and Academia and encompass a wide variety of topics such as:

· Advanced Manufacturing: Intersecting AM with Clean, Efficient, and Flexible Coal Technologies

· Big Data and Machine Learning for Clean Coal and Carbon Management Strategic Planning

· Coal-Powered Electric Generating Unit Efficiency and Reliability

· The Changing CCUS Market Space and 45Q (Colorado and Wyoming, Louisiana and the Gulf Coast, Texas)

· Direct Air Capture Technology Needs

· Future Paths of Emissions Reduction Technologies/Systems in the U.S.

· Improving Competitiveness of U.S. Coal

· Rare Earth Element and Critical Mineral Production from Domestic Coal-Based Resources