Webinar: System Flexibility Matters Now More than Ever – A Case Study of North Macedonia


Synopsis of MEPSO Presentation on September 13, 2022

With variable renewables increasing rapidly, with high uncertainty about natural gas and coal supplies, with the risk of drought this winter, and with electricity demand poised to rise, it is more vital than ever to focus on maintaining electrical system flexibility. Many grid companies are facing similar conditions. As the TSO from North Macedonia, MEPSO is one of USEA’s long-time partners and leading transmission companies in Southeast Europe. Their presentation will include four parts:

  • First, they will discuss why flexibility matters so much for all transmission companies, and for MEPSO in particular. They will briefly summarize best industry practices to achieve this.
  • Based on best practices, the second part will deal with the methodology MEPSO implemented in its recent flexibility analysis. They will share the key inputs to their draft paper, and how they calculated the main parameters, and their meaning.
  • Third, MEPSO will lay out the important data and scenarios, and their modeling approach. Here MEPSO will pay close attention to the model developed under USEA’s Electricity Market Initiative (EMI), and its importance in their day-to-day work.
  • Finally, MEPSO will present the results and conclusions from their analysis, with a focus on the findings that bring into question the adequacy of Macedonian plans in the power sector. MEPSO will also point out the similarities between the development trends in Southeast Europe and the results in their paper.

Overall, with this presentation, MEPSO aims to:

  1. Explain the need for power system flexibility analyses on a planning level, now more than ever.
  2. Present different approaches in flexibility assessment, and the multiple elements of such work.
  3. Identify the significant changes and impacts on planning and customers that MEPSO expects in the power sector as we undergo a massive shift in the generation portfolio.
  4. Highlight the need for new data to enable each TSO to carry out their own tailored flexibility analyses.


Elliot Roseman

Program Director
United States Energy Association

Stojan Malcheski

Planning Engineer
The National Transmission System operator of North Macedonia

Sime Kuzarevski

Planning Engineer
The National Transmission System Operator of North Macedonia