Commercial and Financial Management and Customer Service Utility Programs in Turkey

The Utility Exchange Program (UEP) of the Power Distribution Program (PDP) aims to share practical information, real-world case studies, and best practices in different electric utility functional areas with Pakistan’s electricity distribution companies.  Through a series of exchange programs to U.S. and third-country utilities, UEP will enhance understanding of advanced utility best practices, change management programs, and work cultures that are commercially proven and have the potential of being implemented in Pakistan’s electricity distribution companies.  


Recognizing the need for targeted capacity building in Pakistan’s electricity distribution sector,   particularly in the areas of commercial management, financial management, and customer service, delegates to this Utility Exchange Program will be exposed to practical information, real-world case studies, and best practices in these subject areas from their peers at various Turkish distribution companies.  Effective accounting, debt collection, revenue enhancement programs and systems, and customer satisfaction improvement programs will be addressed via a series of interactive presentations, roundtable discussions, and site visits hosted by leading distribution companies over a one-week period.  


The program will be tailored for senior-level financial officers and commercial managers from Pakistan’s distribution companies in positions to effect change within their organizations.  In addition to the core topics of financial and commercial management, participants will also receive broad exposure to change management, human resources, training, and operational best practices generally.  All topics will be presented with emphasis placed on potential for implementation in Pakistan.


The primary objectives of this program are for delegates to: 

  • Gain exposure to a modern distribution utility’s commercial management practices, including:
  • Commercial department structure and functions
  • Metering, billing, and collections, including meter testing programs
  • Pricing and tariff setting practices


  • Understand best practices in distribution utility financial management, including:
  • Established, successful accounting practices and procedures
  • Financial forecasting and analysis procedures
  • Relations with regulator and ministry on financial issues


  • Gain knowledge in distribution utility customer service practices, including:
  • Customer information systems and data collection
  • Customer service department organization
  • Customer complaint management
  • Staff customer service training programs