Electric Vehicles: Understanding How it All Fits from Car Makers to Utilities and Infrastructure
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USEA offers a unique remote briefing from the perspective of the U.S. auto sector, and experts in electric grids, the placement of EV charging stations to meet market demand, and increasing efficiency and reducing traffic.
Who should attend the remote April 5 briefing:
- Auto makers trying to better understand the electric utility and grid issues;
- Electric utility planners and key accounts planners trying to understand the emergence of EVs in their service territory and beyond;
- Manufacturers making distribution and transmission products and service providers affected by EVs, charging stations and electric utility customers.
- State transportation experts;
- Other transportation systems affected by new transmission demands on their region (including new ports, new airports, and major new manufacturing companies with distribution locations adjacent to rail, highways, and customers);
- Tire manufacturers;
- Charging station device and charger manufacturers;
- Data analytics companies using or selling data;
- Surface shippers using highways; and
- Companies weighing options of hydrogen used for transportation
Attendees are able to ask questions on EVs or electric utility issues to the speakers at the end of the meeting.
Mike Hartrick, Senior Director and Executor Advisor for Alliance for Automotive Innovation. His primary focus is on electric vehicles, CAFÉ standards, and climate change. He has 24 years’ experience in auto sector in regulatory policy, compliance and lab operations. He holds a BS in chemical engineering from Michigan Technological University.
Phil Jones, Executive Director of the Alliance for Transportation Electrification (ATE), a non-profit industry association working with Public Utility Commissions, manufacturers to accelerate EVs across the U.S. Mr. Jones offers a unique perspective about electric reliability knowledgeable about the electric grid, markets, and distributed energy resources. Mr. Jones was a state utility commissioner in Washington state for 12 years until 2017. He is on EPRI’s Advisory Council to address R&D. He holds a BA from Harvard.
Kellen Schefter, Senior Director of Electric Transportation at the Edison Electric Instutute (EEI), the association for U.S. Investor-owned electric companies. At EEI, Kellen leads cross-industry coordination to advance transportation electrification, including policy advocacy, business model development, and stakeholder engagement. He previously worked on regulatory and compliance issues at plug-in electric vehicle manufacturer Fisker Automotive. Prior to that, Kellen managed R&D projects in the Vehicle Technologies Office at the U.S. Department of Energy.