South Asian Energy Market: Advancing Low Carbon Growth Through Regional Cooperation and Cross-Border Energy Trade
Program Overview:
This three-day workshop will include participants from all SARI/E countries. The workshop will focus on renewable energy, energy efficiency, energy conservation, demand side management, and cleaner power, as well as their role in the cross border trade of electricity. The workshop will assist participants in formulating plans to address the growing demand for energy services while meeting the ever stringent financial, environmental and reliability requirements. Discussions will focus on reduction of carbon dioxide and other carbon greenhouse gases (GHG) and mechanisms for the electricity sector to assist in driving climate change. The workshop will discuss regulatory, policy and market opportunities for cross-border trade in clean energy through mechanisms such as renewable energy certificates to meet mandatory renewable portfolio standards. Given the Maldives recent focus on renewable energy and carbon neutrality, supported by the country’s publicized goal to reach carbon neutrality by 2019, the Maldives is considered an ideal venue for this workshop. Target South Asian participants will be policymakers, regulators, and utility managers.
- To further the understanding of cross border trade as a mechanism to address climate change and
lower GHG targets - To promote regional cooperation and improved knowledge in renewable, energy efficient and
carbon neutral energy technologies and practices - Further utility executives’ and policymakers’ knowledge of modern technologies, financing
strategies, policies, and successful project development methodologies, to foster lower carbon
emissions in their countries and create a more attractive investment climate for the renewable
energy sector - To appreciate the application of clean energy trading mechanisms to off-set carbon emissions across
the region - To gain specific knowledge in the following areas:
- Market trends & barriers
- Project development & financing
- Technologies, in the areas of wind, solar, biomass & biofuels, hydro, geothermal, ocean/tidal/wave, and waste-to-energy, as well as a host of energy efficiency/conservation methodologies
- Renewable portfolio standards
- Green power programs
- Financing mechanisms
- Incentive programs
- Renewable energy credits & certificates
- Interconnection & integration issues
- International opportunities & challenges