USEA Newsletters

Subscribe to the USEA Newsletter

April 6th, 2022

In This Issue: 

  • New USEA Member: International Brotherhood of Boilermakers
  • Commentary from Commissioner Allison Clements, FERC
  • Women In Energy: April 2022 - Neha Juneja, Greenway Appliances
  • USEA & FT Energy Source Live
  • Monthly Program Updates
March 2nd, 2022

In this issue:

  • New USEA Member: National Hydropower Association
  • Commentary from David Wilson, CEO, Energy Exemplar
  • Women In Energy: March 2022 - Kari Valley, MISO
  • USEA & FT Energy Source Live
  • Monthly Program Updates
February 3rd, 2022

In this issue:

  • New Podcast featuring Sheila Hollis
  • Articles from 18th SOTEI
  • All SOTEI Speaker Presentations
  • February Women In Energy
  • Monthly Program Updates
January 7th, 2022

In this issue:

  • Letter from Sheila Hollis
  • USEA's 18th Annual State of the Energy Industry Forum
  • Commentary from Chris Beck of EIS Council
  • Decarbonizing Southeast Europe
  • USEA Program updates
December 3rd, 2021

In this issue:

  • Welcoming New USEA Member: Large Public Power Council
  • Commentary by USEA Senior Director Will Polen
  • Recap of USEA Virtual Press Briefing on COP26's impact on utilities
  • Save the Date: 18th Annual State of the Energy Industry forum
  • USEA Program updates
November 4th, 2021

In this issue:

  • Welcoming New USEA Member: Arizona State University
  • Canada and U.S. Energy: We Get Each Other (Jacob Irving)
  • What's Working: The Canadian-American Energy Relationship
  • Women In Energy: November 2021 - Sharla Artz
  • USEA Program updates
October 6th, 2021

In this issue:

  • Welcoming New USEA Member Babcock Power
  • Richard S. Mroz: In Pursuit of Resilience for Critical Infrastructure
  • Recap of 2020-2021 United States Energy Award Ceremony
  • Women In Energy: October 2021
  • USEA Program Updates
September 2nd, 2021

In this issue:

  • Welcoming new USEA member Energy Exemplar
  • USEA Industry spotlight: Rich Nolan, CEO, National Mining Association
  • Dr. Ted Kury: Climate Action Plans at Educational Institutions
  • Women In Energy: Flavia Anyiko
  • USEA Program Monthly Recaps
August 6th, 2021

In this issue:

  • Preview of 3rd Annual Advanced Energy Technology Forum
  • Welcoming new USEA member Dastur Energy
  • Letter from Jim Matheson, CEO, NRECA
  • Women In Energy: Allison Archambault
  • USEA In The News: July 2021
July 2nd, 2021

In this issue:

  • Welcoming new USEA member encoord
  • Commentary from Mike Sommers, President & CEO, American Petroleum Institute; USEA Board Member
  • Applying Grid Enhancing Technologies to Accelerate Renewable Energy
  • USEA CFO Brian Kearns Prmoted to COO
  • Women In Energy July 2021: Patricia Tatto
June 3rd, 2021

Inside this issue:

  • Letter from Dr. Steven Burns, Chief of Energy and Infrastructure, Bureau for Europe and Eurasia, USAID
  • USEA Featured In Two Podcasts
  • Industry Spotlight: Karen Harbert, American Gas Association
  • Commentary by Zurab Ezugbaia, Georgian State Electrosystem 
  • In Memoriam: Pat McMurray
May 7th, 2021

Inside this issue:

  • Promo for 2021 Annual Membership Meeting & Public Policy Forum
  • Business Opportunity for USEA Members
  • USEA 2020 Annual Report
  • Industry Spotlight: Nuclear Energy
  • Women In Energy: Paola Hartung
April 1st, 2021

In this issue:

  • Letter from Sheila Hollis
  • USEA AMM 2021 Promo
  • Women In Energy: Danielle Merfeld
  • USEA's Forward March feature
  • USEA Programs March Recap
March 16th, 2021

Inside this issue:

  • Letter from Sheila Hollis
  • Welcoming New USEA Member: ETAP
  • Women In Energy: Monalisa C. Dimalanta
  • Industry Spotlight: Tom Kuhn
  • USEA Programs Monthly Recap
February 4th, 2021

In this issue:

  • Letter from Sheila Hollis
  • State of the Energy Industry Forum Recap
  • Women In Energy: Jolene Cicci
  • USEA Program Monthly Recap
  • February 201 Calendar
January 12th, 2021

In this issue: 

  • 17th Annual USEA State of the Energy Industry Forum Promo
  • USEA Proudly Supports UN Energy Efforts in Europe
  • Upcoming USEA Virtual Press Briefing
  • USEA Programs Monthly Recap
  • January 2021 calendar
December 11th, 2020

In this issue:

  • Letter from Sheila Hollis
  • Recap of 30th Energy Efficiency Forum
  • Sheila featured in November issue of Public Utilities Fortnightly
  • Recap of USEA Virtual Press Briefing on Financed Emissions
  • Women In Energy: Carol Dodson
October 23rd, 2020

In this issue:

  • Executive Chairman Vicky Bailey Named WCEE 2020 Champion
  • In Memoriam: Barry K. Worthington
  • 2nd Annual Advanced Energy Technology Forum Recap
  • Women In Energy: Kathy Curtis
  • Dan Yergin's New Book