2013 EAGP Executive Exchange to GEA Geothermal Energy Expo & GRC Annual Meeting
The U.S.-East Africa Geothermal Partnership sponsored nine delegates from Kenya and Ethiopia to travel to Las Vegas, Nevada, USA for the 37th Annual Geothermal Resources Council (GRC) Annual Meeting and Geothermal Energy Association (GEA) Geothermal Energy Expo in September/October 2013. Delegates included representatives from Kenya’s Geothermal Development Company (GDC) and Kenya Electricity Generating Company (KenGen) and Ethiopia’s Ministry of Water and Energy, the Geological Survey of Ethiopia (GSE) and the Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation (EEPCO). The nine EAGP delegates took part in a range of capacity-building exchanges, including workshops, technical sessions, field visits, and networking opportunities with U.S. geothermal industry representatives.