Substation Protective Relay Conversion from Analog to Digital Technology

This is the third in the series of Grid Modernization webinars hosted by USAID's Bureau for Development, Democracy, and Innovation (DDI).

The use of modern microprocessor-based equipment with modern communications technologies fundamentally changes overall protection, control, and monitoring system design. The new design concepts can significantly improve functionality, reliability, and continuity of service and reduce initial costs, maintenance costs, and ongoing operating costs.

Using advanced protection and control features available in modern programmable relays can improve power quality and continuity of service by reducing fault clearing times, improving selectivity, and providing better information for faster service restoration. Programmable logic available in modern relays can replace hardwired logic circuits and auxiliary relays, providing a much leaner and improved electrical panel design.

In this webinar, speakers will review the design objectives of the substation protection, control, and monitoring system and how the benefits of modern microprocessor-based devices contributed to Equatorial Energia's success as an industry leader. Equatorial Energia is a holding company investing in the Brazilian electric energy sector, with business in distribution, transmission, generation, and services segments, serving approximately 20 million people.

This webinar will be recorded and posted on the USEA website. If you have any questions, please email Jake Swanson at [email protected].


Sheila Hollis

Of Counsel and Chair, Duane Morris (Ret.)

Ricardo Abboud

Principal Engineer
Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc. (SEL)

Gleidson Costa

System Analyst
Equatorial Energia