August 29th, 2024
In today’s USEA Power Sector Podcast, Avnos CEO and Founder Will Kain answered questions by journalist Herman K. Trabish about the need for direct air capture of carbon dioxide, its current status, and its future potential and challenges, and how the Avnos hybrid direct air capture technology offers an alternative that also captures water.
August 27th, 2024
In today’s USEA Power Sector Podcast, ClearPath Senior Program Director for Carbon Management and Science Hillary O’Brien answered questions by journalist Herman K. Trabish about the need for direct air capture of carbon dioxide, its potential, its costs, and its future challenges.
August 22nd, 2024
In this episode of the USEA Power Sector Podcast series on carbon, veteran independent power sector consultant David Schlissel, the director of resource planning analysis with the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis, answered questions by journalist Herman K. Trabish about the potential and the limits of carbon capture, utilization, and storage.
August 20th, 2024
In today’s USEA Power Sector Podcast, Clean Air Task Force Technology and Markets Director John Thompson answered questions from journalist Herman K. Trabish about carbon capture, use, and storage, and the policies and technologies needed to scale it.
August 16th, 2024
In this opening episode of the USEA Power Sector Podcast series on the challenge of carbon, Carbon Capture Coalition Executive Director Jessie Stolark answered questions by journalist Herman K. Trabish about the currently emerging direct air capture and power plant carbon capture, utilization, and storage technologies and how to turn those technologies into market scale solutions for the carbon challenge.
August 15th, 2024
In this final segment of the USEA Power Sector Podcast series on wildfires, former Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Chair Neil Chatterjee answered questions by journalist Herman K. Trabish about the role of federal regulators in the growing national challenge to affordable reliable service and to the energy transition due to the costs and other impacts of wildfires and about how developing data on all the aspects of the challenge can drive solutions.
August 2nd, 2024
In today’s episode of the USEA Power Sector Podcast’s series on wildfires, Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association CEO Duane Highley answered questions by journalist Herman K. Trabish about the impacts and costs of wildfires in the West, what those costs and impacts mean for electric cooperative utilities, and how electric co-ops can take steps to protect their customers.
July 31st, 2024
In today’s episode of the USEA Power Sector Podcast’s series on wildfires, Commissioner Ann Rendahl of the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission answered questions by journalist Herman K. Trabish about her observations from the recent Western Conference of Public Service Commissioners summit on the rapidly growing West-wide threat of wildfires and their impacts and costs to electric utilities and their customers.
July 25th, 2024
In today’s segment of the USEA Power Sector Podcast series on wildfires, California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, or CalFire, Staff Chief for Prescribed Fire and Environmental Protection Len Nielson answered questions by journalist Herman K. Trabish about the too-often overlooked wildfire mitigation strategy of prescribed, or controlled, burns and about they have been demonstrated to reduce the extent and impacts of the growing threat of wildfires.
