NEW DATE: USEA CONSENSUS Webinar: National Coal Council Report - Carbon Forward: Advanced Markets for Value-Added Products from Coal

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With an introduction by Acting Executive Director, Sheila Hollis.

Members of the National Coal Council recently approved a report for Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm assessing opportunities to enhance use of U.S. coal in new and expanded carbon product markets. The report – Carbon Forward: Advanced Markets for Value-Added Products from Coal – highlights how coal-derived carbon products support the Biden Administration’s priorities for job creation, economic revitalization, environmental stewardship, infrastructure improvement and supply chain resilience.

  • Job Creation – High-value carbon product markets have significant employment and job creation potential.
  • Economic Revitalization – High-value carbon product markets have significant economic growth and cost-savings potential.
  • Environmental Stewardship – High-value carbon product markets can provide environmental benefits, supporting efforts to electrify the transportation fleet, reduce air emissions, provide clean drinking water, decrease energy consumption and sequester CO2.
  • Infrastructure Improvement – High-value carbon building and construction materials can be produced at less cost with enhanced technical performance and environmental advantages vis-à-vis traditional products.
  • Supply Chain Resilience – Domestically sourced and produced high-value carbon product can shore up vulnerable supply chains and reduce U.S. dependence on foreign sources for critical materials.


Sheila Hollis

Former Acting Executive Director, U.S. Energy Association
Of Counsel and Chair, Duane Morris (Ret.)

Janet Gellici

Chief Executive Officer
National Coal Council (NCC)