Promoting CONSENSUS on CCUS and Clean Fossil Energy Technologies

To Educate the Public, Policy Makers, Industry, and Other Stakeholders and Build a Consensus on the Benefits of Carbon Capture Utilization Sequestration and Clean Fossil Energy Technologies.

In keeping with its mission to increase understanding of energy developments domestically and internationally, USEA’s Consensus Program, launched in 2008, is a cooperative program with the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management to promote consensus on the need for Carbon Capture, Utilization, & Storage (CCUS) and other Clean Fossil Energy technologies. While dramatic progress continues to be made in developing these technologies, neither the progress achieved to date nor the full capability of CCUS and clean fossil energy technologies is widely understood - yet it must be if they are to have a significant global impact. The reality that much of the world will continue to use fossil fuels for decades to come, further underscores the need for these technologies.
These technologies also support an expanding market of opportunities for the use of CO2 and carbon byproducts in the production of cement, fertilizer, fuels and more. Deployment of CCUS and clean fossil energy technology holds the potential for rural job creation and revitalization. In addition to CCUS and Clean Fossil Energy technologies, Consensus promotes the importance of other energy technologies such as Hydrogen and Energy Storage that are essential to national security, energy resilience, and affordable and reliable energy.

Past Events

In keeping with its mission to increase understanding of energy issues domestically and internationally, USEA launched the "Building Consensus on Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) and Clean Energy Systems" program in 2008.  While dramatic progress continues to be made in developing carbon capture, utilization and storage and clean energy technologies, neither the progress achieved to date nor the full capability of CCUS and clean energy systems is widely understood - yet it must be if CCUS and clean energy systems are to have a significant global impact.  With support from the U.S. Department of Energy, the CCUS Consensus program addresses the need for global public outreach and consensus building.


As part of the public outreach effort, USEA hosts an ongoing series of informational briefings on technological and policy developments in CCUS and clean energy systems.  USEA also produces a digest of the latest CCUS and clean energy news stories.  In addition, USEA organizes national and regional conferences on CCUS and clean energy systems.