Overcoming Barriers to Deploying Direct Air Capture

Direct Air Capture (DAC) has been identified as one of the few technologies that can remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere at climate-relevant scales. To have a meaningful impact on climate goals, DAC must be scaled quickly from the handful of small-scale pilots currently in operation to megaton-scale deployments.

The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and United States Energy Association (USEA) are hosting a workshop to address several of the key issues associated with scaling DAC technologies. The workshop will be open to all and is intended to provide a discussion of some of the most relevant issues for those advancing DAC as a climate solution. Keynote addresses will feature Dr. Jen Wilcox, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management and Prof. Klaus Lackner, an early DAC pioneer. Other speakers will include representatives from leading DAC organizations including Carbon Engineering, Climeworks, Oxy Low-Carbon Ventures, and Stripe.

Three major themes will be addressed: Energy, Technology, and Project Execution. The energy session will focus on the source and impact of the energy required to power DAC installations. The technology session will compare different technology options with inherent advantages and challenges for each DAC approach and their ability to reduce costs for deployment. The Project Execution session will focus on the requirements for large scale projects including hearing from project developers, investors, regulators, and lessons learned from carbon capture projects.

Please see the agenda and flyer (under "Presentations) for additional information.


Sheila Hollis

Of Counsel and Chair, Duane Morris (Ret.)

Dr. Jennifer Wilcox

Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary
U.S. DOE - Office of Fossil Energy & Carbon Management

Dr. Klaus Lackner

Director, Center for Negative Carbon Emissions
Arizona State University

Mike Monea

Monea CCS

Geoffrey Holmes

Director of Business Development
Carbon Engineering

Claude Letourneau

President and CEO
Svante, Inc.

Adam Berger

Senior Technical Leader