FECM Tribal Informational Briefings #2: Overview of FECM’s Office of Carbon Management
The Office of Carbon Management’s mission is to facilitate a just and environmentally sustainable transition toward a net-zero carbon economy. How do we do this? By focusing on carbon dioxide -- its storage, containment, and capture. We address emissions associated with the power and industrial sectors, as well as legacy emissions in the atmosphere, and we seek to permanently store and/or convert carbon dioxide to reduce negative climate impacts.
Activities to deliver the Office’s mission center on investments in technological readiness and analysis. To do so, our department researches a portfolio of carbon management approaches, with an emphasis on facilitating development of approaches that meet our technical, equity, and sustainability requirements for commercialization. Our goals are to improve their performance, reduce costs, and scale the deployment of the technologies to decarbonize the power and industrial sectors and to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.