USEA Power Sector Podcast Episode 119: Grid Strategies Founder & President Rob Gramlich

In today’s episode of the USEA Power Sector Podcast series on changing energy policy priorities under the new presidential administration and congress, Rob Gramlich, Founder and President of power sector consultant Grid Strategies, answered questions by journalist Herman K. Trabish about certainties and uncertainties around existing and new incentives and approaches to generation and transmission development as changing resources, spiking electricity demand, and extreme weather events add unprecedented stress to the US power system.

This episode was sponsored by Uplight, which creates and manages capacity for the grid through networks of connected devices that generate shift or save energy. Uplight empowers its 80 plus utility partners by combining best in class customer experiences with an open, flexible capacity management platform that improves grid resilience, reduces costs and accelerates decarbonization. Learn more at

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Herman Trabish

Contributing Editor
Utility Dive

Rob Gramlich

Founder & President
Grid Strategies LLC