With funding from the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Energy Resources (ENR), USEA supports the Energy Governance and Capacity Initiative (EGCI) in South Asia through the Indo-Pacific Energy Market Investment and Modernization (EMIM) partnership. EGCI is an ENR-led effort that provides U.S. interagency and expert independent advisory services across the globe on a wide range of capacity building related to hydrocarbon sector oversight and governance.
EMIM activities to advance EGCI support to South Asian governments will improve governance by developing the institutional and human expertise needed to oversee resources and grow economies. Government-to-government assistance is tailored to issues on which countries can make critical energy sector improvements.
EMIM EGCI activities in South Asia will also strengthen hydrocarbon and midstream (LNG), sector governance and development. Activities focus on all aspects of the hydrocarbon value chain, from upstream development, through midstream transportation and market formation, to downstream delivery and end-use.
To learn more or to get involved with EMIM activities supporting EGCI, please contact [email protected].