
November 2010

Copyright © IEA Clean Coal Centre

ISBN 978-92-9029-496-2



Whenever coal is burnt, ash is produced by the thermal transformation of the mineral matter present. Large-scale uses of coal,

such as power generation, give rise to significant quantities of ash and a number of uses for this by-product have been developed

over time.


During the last two decades a number of changes have occurred in the coal-fired power generation sector that have affected ash

production, and trends for the future use of coal are likely to have a continuing impact on ash in respect of quality and quantity.

These changes include: the increasingly common practice of cofiring coal with other non-coal fuels, especially biomass;

modifications to coal-fired power generation plant to reduce emissions (in-boiler and post combustion); the development of more

fuel-efficient and more operationally flexible boiler plant; and fundamental changes to the basic combustion process to prepare for

carbon-capture technologies (for example oxyfuel combustion).


This report reviews the impact

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