2nd Annual Carbon Management Technology Showcase

Unlock the Power of Carbon Management Technology

Calling all Carbon Management Technology developers, investors, and practitioners! 

Join us for USEA's 2nd Annual Carbon Management Technology Showcase (CMTS) to be held on Aug 5-8 at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center in Pittsburgh, PA. Discover the latest technology developments in Point Source Capture, Carbon Dioxide Removal, Carbon Conversion, and Carbon Transport & Storage. CMTS showcases the most advanced technologies to help you reduce emissions and manage your carbon footprint. 

CMTS will be co-located with the 2024 FECM / NETL Carbon Management Research Project Review Meeting. This meeting will provide attendees with a chance to share in the knowledge and insights gained by more than 150 Department of Energy-sponsored research and development (R&D) projects from the following Office of Fossil Energy & Carbon Management R&D programs.  In addition to the project researchers, participants may include employees of other government agencies, electric utilities, research organizations, and industry. Please note, registration for the CMTS does NOT include registration for the Carbon Management Research Project Review Meeting. 

Explore the Best Carbon Management Solutions

CMTS offers a variety of carbon management solutions from providers around the world, allowing you to compare and select the best solution for your needs.

Showcase your Newest Technologies

The event will feature the latest developments in carbon management technology so that you can stay informed and make sure that you are using the most advanced solutions available.

Expert Advice

Technology experts will be available on-site to answer any questions or concerns about carbon management technology and provide tailored advice for your specific needs.

See the Exhibitors

Exhibitors range from multinationals to one-person startups, national laboratories, research institutions and more. These include:

Advanced Resources International
NETL Carbon Storage Programs
NETL Energy Data Management
Surface Measurement Systems
GTI Energy
Carnegie Mellon University
Colorado School of Mines
US Geological Survey
University of Wyoming
University of North Dakota