NETL Carbon Storage Planning Inquiry Tool (CS PlanIT) Webinar
The US Department of Energy's National Energy Technology Laboratory has developed and released the Carbon Storage Planning Inquiry Tool (PlanIT), a dashboard-style web tool that provides users with a one-stop-shop to easily explore, query, and evaluate thousands of data features and attributes from 14+ authoritative sources to support and accelerate carbon storage feasibility assessments and planning efforts. Using PlanIT, researchers, policy makers, operators, and other stakeholders can identify, visualize, interrogate, and analyze relevant data assets to efficiently obtain insights into crucial geologic, technical, social, and environmental factors associated with carbon storage projects, such as how nearby communities may be affected. This webinar will review data available within PlanIT and demo the functionality and capabilities of the tool. PlanIT can be accessed on the Energy Data eXchange (EDX), NETL's data repository, through the following link: https://edx.netl.doe.gov/dataset/cs-planit-carbon-storage-planning-inquiry-tool.