Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management’s (FECM) National Requirements for the Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETP) Joint Call 2024 APPLICANT EDUCATION WEBINAR
The Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETP) is a collaboration of national and regional research, development, and innovation programs in the European Member States, Horizon Europe Associated Countries, Associated Partners, and non-Associated Partners. CETP supports the implementation of strategic energy and climate plans, with the ultimate objectives to:
- achieve a climate-neutral society by 2050;
- diversify energy supplies, and
- strengthen clean energy value chains, making them more sustainable.
The main acting bodies of the CETPartnership are the Transition Initiatives (TRIs). TRIs are thematic configurations of CETPartnership funding partners to work together on a specific Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) Challenge. We invite all interested stakeholders to join the Informational event to find out more about the TRI3 Call Modules (regarding carbon-neutral solutions, industrial processes, CCUS, hydrogen, and renewable fuels) and the associated U.S. DOE-FECM program’s priorities and national requirements for the upcoming CETPartnership call 2024.