NPC Dynamic Delivery Study (Webinar)
National Petroleum Council Dynamic Delivery Study Webinar
September 22, 2020 10:00 AM EDT
A virtual outreach webinar by the NPC Oil and Natural Gas Transportation Infrastructure Study team leaders on the findings and recommendations from the National Petroleum Council’s report: Dynamic Delivery –America's Evolving Oil and Natural Gas Transportation Infrastructure. This report examines the extent of the transportation infrastructure today and the United States' infrastructure needs under varying demand assumptions. The study reviews constraints to growing domestic oil and natural gas production caused by infrastructure limitations that reduce domestic demand or energy exports. In addition, the report evaluates technology and policy options for improving infrastructure siting and related permitting processes, which in turn could improve safety, environmental performance, and resilience of the system.
The webinar’s presenters participated as leaders of the study’s management’s team. The study team was drawn from NPC members' organizations as well as from many other industries, state and federal government agencies, Native American Tribes, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), other public interest groups, consultancies, and academia. More than 306 people served on the study's Committee, Subcommittee, and Task Groups or participated in outreach sessions and workshops. While all have relevant expertise for the study, approximately 44% do not work for oil and natural gas companies or within the oil and natural gas value chain. This broad support and input into the study process is a critical component of the study.
The initial presentation will provide a comprehensive overview of the NPC’s Dynamic Delivery report, including findings and recommendations. The second panel will be a discussion of the Technology Advances and Deployment chapter, covering technologies that can enhance safety, reliability, and environmental performance of the nation’s oil and natural gas transportation infrastructure. This will also address cyber security. The technology discussion will focus on not just the innovations, but the research and regulatory systems that are critical to ensuring implementation of technological advances.
10:00 AM USEA Welcome and Opening – Sheila Hollis, USEA
Study Overview
Shawn Bennett, DOE Deputy Assistant Secretary of Oil and Natural Gas
Amy Shank, Williams Energy
10:20 AM Review of Study Findings and Recommendations
Paul McNutt, ConocoPhillips – Supply and Demand Task Group Chair
Brooke Harris, ExxonMobil – Infrastructure Mapping, Resiliency, and Analysis Cochair
Maria Dunn, Philips 66 – Permitting, Siting, and Social License to Operate Cochair
Doug Sauer, Philips 66 – Technology Advances and Deployment Cochair
11:00 AM Q&A/Discussion
11:15 AM Technology Discussion
Moderator – Shawn Bennett, DOE Deputy Assistant Secretary of Oil and Natural Gas
Jay Churchill, Senior Vice President, Philips 66
Drue Pearce, Deputy Administrator, PHMSA, Department of Transportation
Zach McGavitt, Operations Manager, Kirby Inland Marine
11:40 AM Q&A/Discussion
11:55 AM Closing Comments - Sheila Hollis, USEA
12:00 PM Adjourn