USEA Celebrates Earth Day 2020
USEA Celebrates Earth Day 2020
In honor of the 50th Anniversary of the first Earth Day, we are proud to share 50 USEA actions that have improved the planet.
Happy Earth Day!
1. Hosted the premier Washington based Energy Efficiency Forum for 29 years with Johnson Controls.
2. Helped reduce atmospheric emissions from coal fired power plants in Eastern Europe, 1992 to present.
3. Provided recommendations to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change regarding treatment of Carbon Capture and Storage and Enhanced Oil Recovery relative to the Paris Agreement through the UN Economic Commission for Europe, 2015.
4. Conducted training programs in China regarding environmental protection in oil and gas production.
5. Convened the inaugural ministerial meeting for the Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum, 2003.
6. Ensured that environmental issues were addressed in the US Russia Commercial Energy Summit, the G-8 Energy Ministers meeting, the US Africa Energy Ministers meeting and the Western Hemisphere Energy Ministers meeting, 2002-2003.
7. Supported a congressional staff tour of Philadelphia Naval Yard energy efficiency demonstration projects.
8. Provided recommendations regarding policy choices to support Combined Heat and Power, 2008.
9. Organized the Washington Renewable Energy Conference, 2008.
10. Ensured environmental protection was front and center in the 17th Congress of the World Energy Council, Houston, 1998.
11. Assisted Tanzania in the development of a reverse auction platform for clean energy projects.
12. Supported the Kenya Electricity Generating Company in developing a Community Engagement Strategy to protect indigenous tribes and environmental resources in national parklands.
13. Assisted the Government of Ethiopia in drafting a geothermal resource development law to ensure sustainable and responsible development of geothermal energy; a clean, renewable, baseload electricity source.
14. Provided capacity building training to utility and government representatives from East Africa on conducting environmental and social impact assessments.
15. Provided technical assistance for grid planning for a renewable energy-powered industrial park in Kenya.
16. Assisted the Rwanda Energy Group to integrate more renewable energy generation while maintaining stability and reliability of Rwanda's national grid.
17. Provided capacity building assistance to both Kazakhstan and Tanzania to successfully launch renewable energy auctions to support their governments’ goal of increased renewable generation.
18. Assisted India with reaching their goal of 227 GW of installed capacity of renewable energy by 2022 on its power grid.
19. Lead regional partnerships in South Asia on energy efficiency and renewable energy, comprised of utilities, regulators and policymakers.
20. Facilitated training for Afghanistan's DABS utility on the promotion and integration of renewable energy.
21. Lead training for Pakistan's utilities, policymakers and regulators on reverse auctions to promote renewable energy generation purchasing.
22. Provided training to Kenyan dispatchers on dispatching renewable energy to prepare for future renewable projects.
23. Lead training for Indonesian utility and ministry representatives on integrating both solar and wind into the grid to increase their clean energy portfolio.
24. Organized Executive Exchange on Reverse Power Auctions in Brazil for Tanzanian delegates to increase their ability to install renewable energy and reach their climate goals.
25. Facilitated the attendance of delegates from Uzbekistan, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia at the 2017 Asia Clean Energy Forum to present new ideas on achieving clean energy access for all.
26. Lead the Executive Exchange on Developing an Electricity Regulatory Authority for Haiti to Jamaica in order to learn best practices to increase renewable energy development in Haiti.
27. Hosted a workshop in Singapore on Integrating Variable Renewable Energy on Island Grids for participants from Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Sri Lanka, Philippines, and Indonesia.
28. Convened an Executive Exchange on Coal Flexing for participants from various Indian agencies to ideas ways to support balancing the grid increased variable renewable energy integration.
29. Facilitated a Workshop on Asset Management and Hydropower O&M for the Uganda Electricity Generation Company on improving their energy efficiency from their hydropower units.
30. Organized a Bootcamp on Battery Storage for key Indian energy sector stakeholders to introduce battery energy storage systems as a support to variable renewable energy sources to reduce emissions.
31. Hosted a Workshop on Smart Grid Systems for SENELEC and other key energy sector stakeholders on modernizing their grid system using smart meters and smart grid technology.
32. Provided technical assistance on Energy Mix Diversification for the Uganda Electricity Generation Company Ltd. to diversify their generation assets to meet Uganda's climate goals.
33. Led the inaugural International Partnership for the Hydrogen Economy Ministerial Meeting and supported as the IPHE Secretariat.
34. Shared American best practices to reduce generation plant emissions and increase transmission and distribution network efficiency in developing countries for nearly 30 years.
35. Helped policy makers in Eastern Europe adopt a regional approach to integrating renewable energy on transmission and distribution grids.
36. Provided software and training to Eastern European utilities to accelerate investment in renewable energy.
37. Enabled investment in hydroelectric generation by strengthening the Republic of Georgia electric grid.
38. Facilitated an executive exchange to the Western U.S. for Armenian energy and environment officials focused on solar and wind power technologies.
39. Hosted the U.S./China Clean Coal Industry Forums to encourage joint research on clean coal technologies.
40. Helped to determine the maximum amount of renewable energy that could be securely added to the power grids in Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine, Romania and Bulgaria.
41. Advised Ukrainian electric power generators on measures to reduce emissions at Soviet era power plants.
42. Supported Secretariat to the Asia Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate.
43. Led a Reverse Trade Mission for Egyptian, Moroccan and Lebanese renewable energy investors with U.S. solar and wind power technologies to California.
44. Convened of a reverse trade mission to the U.S. for Turkish energy and environmental officials focused on U.S. energy efficiency and energy performance contract best practices.
45. Coordinated the Carbon Sequestration Leadership Stakeholders Messages to Ministers.
46. Supported the development of the INGA III hydro project in 2015 and 2016.
47. Hosted the North America Regional Energy Forum 2015 at the National Press Club to discuss Intended National Determined Contributions.
48. Familiarized transmission network planners in Eastern Europe with renewable energy operations through frequent site visits to wind, solar and hydroelectric plants.
49. Trained Eastern European network planners on calculating emissions reduction as a societal benefit when conducting cost-benefit analyses on new transmission lines.
50. Conducted workshops under the Enhancing Capacity for Low Emission Development Strategies program to support developing countries’ efforts to identify low emission development strategies.
These actions were taken in partnership with the following U.S. Government Agencies:
United States Agency for International Development
United States Department of Energy
United States Trade and Development Agency
United States Department of State
United States Department of Agriculture
United States Department of Commerce