USEA Virtual Press Briefing: President Biden's Infrastructure Plan & Electric Utilities

What will be the impact of President Joe Biden’s proposed $2.3 trillion infrastructure package on the electric utility industry and its suppliers? That was the question addressed at USEA's virtual press briefing on May 14.

A panel of experts on the Biden infrastructure proposals answered questions from top energy reporters. The experts and reporters were introduced by USEA Executive Director Sheila Hollis, and the discussion was moderated by Llewellyn King.

It is the goal of the Biden administration to shape a future electric industry that is carbon-free with abundant storage. How will this massive push be accommodated, and who will benefit?

Guest Speakers:
Julia Hamm, President & CEO, Smart Electric Power Alliance
Dr. Karen Wayland, President, Gridwise Alliance
Robert Chapman, Senior VP, Energy Delivery and Customer Solutions, EPRI

Rod Kuckro, Freelance
Jeff Beattie, The Energy Daily
Ken Silverstein, Forbes