CCS Briefing Series 2012
As part of its commitment to increasing the understanding of energy issues domestically and internationally, USEA has hosted a series of Technology and Policy Briefings focused upon Carbon Capture & Storage and Clean Energy Systems. These briefings have attracted a diverse audience from industry, government, and academia, and have highlighted developments in the CCS/CES arena related to specific projects, research and development, regulation, funding, and state and local actions.
March 2012
Future Global Coal Demand: Roadmap for Coal-Fired Power Plant Efficiency & Interaction with CCS
Presented by Dr. John Topper, IEA Clean Coal Centre
February 2012
Oxy-Coal Combustion & the Status of FutureGen
Presented by Steve Moorman, Babcock &Wilcox
January 2012
Modeling the Costs of CCS for the U.S. Coal-Fired Power Plant Fleet
Presented by Jeffrey Eppink, Enegis LLC