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CCS Post Paris
The IEA Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme is an international collaborative research activity forming part of the IEA’s Energy Technology Network. Its role is to assess the role that technology can play in mitigating greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuel use. The programme is a technical body and interacts with the IEA to ensure its technical messages are translated into policy messages for the IEA Ministers amongst others. In addition to the IEA the programme provides evidence based information to bodies like the UNFCCC, the EC, and IMO. The programme has a strong technical focus on CO2 mitigation and Carbon Capture and Storage
The presentation will review the outcomes of the Paris Agreement with regard to mitigation needs to meet the new below 2C target. It will review the role of CCS in any future mitigation strategies both short term and post 2030. The presentation will assess the research and policy needs to position CCS in future mitigation strategies that countries will provide to the UNFCCC as their Intended National Contributions. It will examine the role that the IEA Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme can play in meeting those future research/policy needs to ensure that CCS technologies can be deployed effectively to meet both short term and long term climate strategies.