Elisabeth Tørstad

Chief Executive Officer
DNV GL Oil & Gas

Elisabeth Tørstad is the CEO for DNV GL Oil & Gas. She is based in Norway and is also part of the Executive Committee for the DNV GL Group. She has two decades in management positions at legacy DNV, and comes from the role of Chief Technology Officer for DNV GL and prior to that as Chief Operating Officer for Maritime and Oil & Gas the Americas and Sub-Saharan Africa division. Elisabeth has a cross disciplinary background and has held management positions with global responsibilities within the Maritime, Oil & Gas and Renewable Energy business areas. Her academic background includes a cand. scient. degree from the University of Oslo and a degree of Business Administration from the Norwegian School of Management.

Elisabeth Tørstad joined DNV GL in 1995.

Academic and Professional Attainment:

Master of Science, UIO, Physics, 1994

Associate of Business Adm., University of Bergen, Psychology, 1990

Bachelor of Business Adm., Norwegian School of Management, Business Administr., 1986

Bachelor of Science, Oslo Ingeniørskole, Construction, 1985