Jeffrey P. Price
Jeff Price is an expert on electric power markets and technologies. He is Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Bluewave Resources, LLC, a management and economic consultancy focused on the electric power sector. For over four decades, he has advised clients on the economics of electric power markets, technologies and resource choices, both in the United States and internationally. Recent work has been on the design of retail electric markets, use of smart grid and metering technologies, electricity industry business models and the integration of distributed energy resources. Mr. Price has advised a wide range of clients including electric utilities, energy users, equipment and resource suppliers, governments, associations, multi-company initiatives and multilateral organizations.
Prior to founding Bluewave Resources in 2001, Mr. Price was Co-Founder and President for 21 years of the Resource Dynamics Corporation (RDC), where much of his work focused on new electricity technologies and distributed generation. Mr. Price also served as President of Competitive Electric Strategies, Inc., which implemented energy risk management systems and served on the boards of Energy Buyers Network, LLC, which provided energy management services to energy consumers and of EFS Financial Services, Inc., which leased equipment to large electricity consumers. Earlier, as Project Manager at ICF Incorporated, his work focused on modeling energy markets and on the outlook for new energy technologies. Previously, at Mathematica, Inc., he managed projects on energy efficiency, cogeneration and regional energy planning. Mr. Price holds an MBA from the University of Michigan and a BS in Engineering Physics from the University of Toledo. He has authored numerous published reports and articles.