John Wagner

Associate Laboratory Director
Idaho National Laboratory
Dr. John C. Wagner is the associate laboratory director of INL’s Nuclear Science & Technology (NS&T) directorate. His previous roles included director of Domestic Programs in NS&T as well as director of the Technical Integration Office for the DOE-NE Light Water Reactor Sustainability Program at INL. Wagner initially joined INL as the chief scientist at the Materials and Fuels Complex in 2016. He has more than 20 years of experience performing research, and managing and leading research and development projects, programs and organizations. In 2014, Wagner became director of the Reactor and Nuclear Systems Division (RNSD), with responsibility for management direction and leadership to focus and integrate the seven RNSD R&D groups (Advanced Reactor Systems and Safety, Nuclear Data and Criticality Safety, Nuclear Security Modeling, Radiation Transport, Reactor Physics, Thermal Hydraulics and Irradiation Engineering, and Used Fuel Systems) and the Radiation Safety Information Computational Center. Wagner is a Fellow of the American Nuclear Society and recipient of the 2013 E.O. Lawrence Award.