Kevin Kitz

Kevin Kitz is a Professional Engineer and geothermal specialist who seeks to innovatively use existing technology to create new or better energy investment opportunities. Mr. Kitz has been in the geothermal industry for 35 years creating new value and improving geothermal cost-competitiveness.  He has been part of geothermal teams across reservoir engineering, drilling, pipelines, power plants, PPAs, transmission, and O&M. Recently he has had large roles on teams to commercialize (a) geothermal + solar-thermal hybrid plants, (b) injecting solar thermal heat in cool permeable formations to create synthetic geothermal resources for seasonal storage of solar energy with energy recovery through geothermal power plants, (c) District Energy Systems comprising geothermal heat pumps to shift time-of-use as a grid management tool, including seasonal storage of cold in the middle east, and (d) a cost-effective dry-cooled steam condenser for conventional power plants and for geothermal steam power plants.