Mike Moore Blog #5: My conversation with Chat GPT about Oxygen and CO2

My conversation with Chat GPT about Oxygen and CO2

I’ve been thinking lately about the interactions of oxygen mix in the
atmosphere with CO2, especially as we continue to see massive
deforestation, giga-scale C02 removal, and a 25 percent increase in the
oxygen-consuming population.
I already knew these facts to be true :

• The air we inhale is about 20 percent oxygen, and the air we exhale is about 15 percent oxygen,
so about 5 percent of the volume of air consumed in each breath is converted to carbon dioxide.

• A human being uses about 550 liters of pure oxygen (19 cubic feet) per day.

• At rest a human consumes about 250 ml (about 15 cubic inches) of oxygen each minute. With
exercise this rate can be increased more than 10-fold in a normal healthy individual, but a highly trained
athlete may achieve a more than 20-fold increase.

• Through a process called photosynthesis, leaves of plants pull in carbon dioxide and water and
use the energy of the sun to convert this into chemical compounds such as sugars that feed the plant.
But as a by-product of that chemical reaction oxygen is produced and released by the plant. It is
proposed that one large tree can provide a day’s supply of oxygen for up to four people.

• According to McKinsey analysis, CCUS uptake needs to grow 120 times by 2050 for countries to
achieve their net-zero commitments, reaching at least 4.2 gigatons per annum (GTPA) of CO₂ captured,
with some estimates ranging from 6.0 to 10.0 GTPA.

• The global rate of deforestation by 2030-2050:
-31% of the earth’s surface is covered by forests, approximately 4.06 billion hectares
-Only 18% of the world's forests are on land protected from deforestation
-Over 420 million hectares of forest have been lost since 1990
-2,400 trees are cut down each minute
-By 2030, there may be only 10% of the world’s rainforests left

I felt compelled to learn more, so I put my questions to the AI Smith app (Chat GPT 3.5) to see what
kind of information came back. Some may see some points they might push back on….but it’s AI who
would you counter?

Q: What is the balance between human oxygen consumption and sources in the atmosphere?

The balance between human oxygen consumption and sources in the atmosphere is generally considered to be in equilibrium. This means that the amount of oxygen consumed by humans and other animals through respiration is balanced by the amount of oxygen produced by plant photosynthesis, oceans, and other natural sources.

It's important to note that the concentration of atmospheric oxygen has remained fairly constant over time, at around 21% by volume. This suggests that the balance between oxygen consumption and sources has been maintained over millions of years of evolution and human history.

However, it is also important to note that human activities such as deforestation, pollution, and climate change can have significant impacts on the balance of oxygen in the atmosphere and its concentration. These impacts can affect carbon cycle, ocean productivity and other ecosystems which could also contribute to the balance of oxygen in the atmosphere. Therefore, it is important to maintain these natural processes and take actions to mitigate human impacts on the environment.

Below are the transcript of those questions and answers.

Some interesting insights!
All the best

Q: How important is photosynthesis as a function of volume in this equilibrium?

Photosynthesis is a critically important function for maintaining the balance of oxygen in the atmosphere. During photosynthesis, plants and other photosynthetic organisms use sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to produce organic compounds and release oxygen into the atmosphere as a byproduct.

In fact, photosynthesis is the primary source of oxygen in the atmosphere. Estimates suggest that about half of the oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere comes from photosynthesis by ocean phytoplankton, while the other half comes from photosynthesis by land plants and other terrestrial organisms.

As such, any disruption to the process of photosynthesis, such as deforestation or pollution, can have significant impacts on the oxygen balance in the atmosphere. In addition, the process of photosynthesis is also important in the removal of carbon dioxide which helps maintain the equilibrium which is critical for the stability of our planet's climate. Therefore, it is important to protect and conserve photosynthetic organisms and habitats, and reduce human activities that disturb their natural processes.

Q: How does growing human population affect these sources?

As the human population continues to grow, it can put significant pressure on the sources that maintain the balance of oxygen in the atmosphere through various ways.

One of the ways is through deforestation and loss of natural habitats, which disrupts the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The reduction of forests not only decreases oxygen production but also reduces carbon sequestration. It is estimated that deforestation accounts for about 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions. As human populations increase, there is an increased demand for land, food, and fuel, leading to further deforestation and land-use changes.

Another way is through pollution, which can also disrupt the equilibrium of oxygen production and consumption. Pollution from industrial and transportation activities can reduce the ability of photosynthetic organisms to produce oxygen, while also increasing the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere, leading to the greenhouse effect and potential climate change impacts. Increased pollution levels also contribute to air quality degradation, and it can harm the health of human and other living organisms.

Moreover, the increasing population also puts direct pressure on oxygen sources, as more oxygen is required to support the respiratory processes of a growing human population. This trend will continue if the population grows, leading to increased demand and higher pressure on natural resources and endangering the balanced of our environment.

Therefore, it is important to implement policies that prioritize the sustainable use of natural resources, conservation of natural habitats and maintain the delicate balance of the oxygen cycle for maintaining the equilibrium and sustainability of the atmosphere.

Q: What happens to the current oxygen levels in the atmosphere if the current CO2 levels are reduced ? What is the ratio?

If current CO2 levels in the atmosphere are reduced, oxygen levels in the atmosphere will generally increase in proportion. This is because photosynthesis, which is a process that removes CO2 from the atmosphere and releases oxygen, will become more effective at removing CO2 as levels decrease.

The ratio of this increase in oxygen levels is directly related to the decrease in CO2 levels, which can be calculated using the principles of stoichiometry. For every molecule of CO2 that is removed from the atmosphere, one molecule of oxygen is produced. Therefore, the ratio of change of oxygen to CO2 is 1:1.

For example, if the atmospheric CO2 level was reduced by 100 parts per million (ppm), oxygen levels would increase by 21% of that amount, or approximately 21 ppm. The overall change in atmospheric composition would be a reduction of 100 ppm CO2 and an increase of 21 ppm oxygen.

It's important to note, however, that reducing atmospheric CO2 levels is a complex process influenced by a range of factors, and it cannot be done overnight since it's important to maintain the ecological balance. While decreasing atmospheric CO2 levels can lead to increased oxygen levels, implementing policies and technologies that reduce carbon emissions and maintain the balance of the carbon cycle are essential for the long-term health of the planet and its inhabitants.

Q: Can direct atmospheric capture of CO2 remove too much?

While the direct atmospheric capture of CO2 ("direct air capture") has the potential to help mitigate climate change by reducing atmospheric CO2 concentrations, removing too much CO2 from the atmosphere could have negative consequences such as disrupting the balance of the carbon cycle.

The Earth's carbon cycle is a complex system, through which carbon moves between the atmosphere, oceans, land plants, soils, and other sources and sinks. The balance of the carbon cycle is critical to controlling both the concentration of atmospheric CO2 and the Earth's climate. Therefore, it is important to carefully consider the implications of removing too much CO2 from the atmosphere.

If too much CO2 is removed from the atmosphere, it could lead to a decrease in photosynthesis rates, which are critical for oxygen production, and a decrease in plant growth. Additionally, carbon is a necessary element for plant and microbial growth, so excessive carbon capture could have impacts on ecosystem function.

Another potential issue with direct air capture is that the large amounts of energy required to operate the capture process (in particular for the humidity to CO2 conversion process) generates more carbon emissions from the power plants that will undoubtedly produce the power needed for the process.

Therefore, it is important to consider the potential risks and benefits of direct air capture, and focus efforts on reducing carbon emissions through policies promoting renewable energy development and adoption as well as the sustainable use of natural resources.

Q: Could a market mechanism like oxygen credits be derived from producing green oxygen be used to encourage more oxygen?

It is unlikely that a market mechanism like oxygen credits could be created based on producing green oxygen, as the production of oxygen is a natural process that cannot be easily monetized. Additionally, oxygen credits may be an ineffective tool for encouraging more oxygen production since oxygen is already abundant in the Earth's atmosphere and its concentration is relatively stable.

The concept of carbon credits is based on the idea of creating an economic incentive to reduce carbon emissions by allowing companies to purchase credits from other organizations that have reduced their emissions, which can be used as a financial incentive to encourage further reductions in greenhouse gases. However, the same cannot be applied to oxygen because its supply and demand cannot be accurately measured.

Moreover, while increasing oxygen production can have significant benefits for mitigating climate change and improving air quality, the focus should be on reducing emissions and preserving habitats instead of trading on existing features. Market mechanisms could be used to incentivize actions that help in reducing emissions and creating a more sustainable future. However, the production of oxygen does not fit into such as a model, and as such, oxygen credits are not a realistic or effective way to encourage more oxygen production.

Q: If global population grows faster than corresponding growing oxygen production, is a new mechanism to encourage more oxygen supply help?

A mechanism to encourage more oxygen supply may be helpful to mitigate the impacts of a growing global population on the demand for oxygen. However, it is important to note that a discussion on population and oxygen is somewhat more complicated than one might think. The Earth's atmosphere is not going to run out of oxygen anytime soon as the amount of oxygen produced and consumed daily is roughly equal.

One approach could be to encourage the preservation of forests and other ecosystems that produce oxygen, as well as promote the planting of trees and supporting research and development of technologies that can increase natural oxygen production. This could be achieved by employing market mechanisms such as carbon offset programs to incentivize companies and individuals to fund reforestation or forest conservation.

However, measures to address population growth and resource demands are often better approached through other means such as promoting sustainable agriculture practices, optimizing food production technology, and promoting sustainable growth and ecopreneurship to achieve stability by balancing social, environmental, and economic impacts. Thus, policies that focus on curbing population growth, reducing carbon emissions, and promoting sustainable living and conservation offer a more comprehensive solution than policies that focus purely on oxygen production.

Q: With the Earth’s oxygen supply in equilibrium and photosynthesis produces most of this, what are main consumers of earth’s oxygen?

The Earth's oxygen supply is in a dynamic state of equilibrium, whereby the production of oxygen through photosynthesis is nearly balanced by the consumption of oxygen through respiration, decomposition, and chemical reactions, resulting in a stable concentration of roughly 21% of molecular oxygen (O2) in the atmosphere.

The main consumers of Earth's oxygen are living organisms, including humans, animals, and microorganisms, which use oxygen for cellular respiration to release energy from food. Respiration combines oxygen with glucose to produce carbon dioxide, water, and energy. In addition to living organisms, oxygen is also consumed through processes such as decay, combustion, and chemical reactions such as rusting.

However, other factors can disrupt the equilibrium of Earth's oxygen supply, such as changes in the carbon cycle. For example, deforestation and other land-use changes can reduce the amount of photosynthesis, leading to a decrease in oxygen production. In contrast, the burning of fossil fuels increases the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which can indirectly decrease the availability of oxygen in the environment by reducing photosynthetic activity and lowering atmospheric oxygen levels.

Overall, while consumption of oxygen by living organisms is the primary consumer of oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere, it's the importance of preserving an equilibrium that is the main priority.

Q: If burning fossil fuels (which consumes oxygen) creates more CO2 and the oxygen to CO2 ration is 1:1 would planting more trees offset the consumed oxygen by producing more oxygen from the burning fossil fuels release of CO2?

Yes, planting more trees can offset the consumed oxygen by producing more oxygen through the process of photosynthesis. When trees and other plants grow, they absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere and release oxygen (O2) through a process known as photosynthesis. This means that by planting more trees, we are removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and replacing it with oxygen.

While the ratio of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is roughly equal at present, the burning of fossil fuels has disrupted this balance by releasing more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than the amount of photosynthesis that occurs. This increase in carbon dioxide contributes to climate change and its negative impacts.

By increasing the number of trees that absorb carbon dioxide, we can help to offset the amount of carbon dioxide produced by burning fossil fuels, and thereby help to stabilize the balance between oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Planting trees can also provide other benefits, such as improving air quality, mitigating soil erosion, and providing habitat for wildlife.

However, simply planting more trees cannot be viewed as a solution to the ongoing issue of increasing carbon emissions or reducing the carbon footprint of industries that produce greenhouse gases. It must be paired with more significant lifestyle and governmental changes to reduce the amount of CO2 released into the atmosphere.