DOE Alaska Workshop on Critical Materials

The United States Energy Association (USEA), in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management (FECM) and DOE’s Arctic Energy Office conducted a workshop on Critical Minerals in Alaska on May 9 from 8:30 am – 5:00 pm.

The workshop included speakers and panels on: 1. Alaska’s significant potential for critical minerals mining and processing; 2. opportunities to advance deployment of critical minerals projects that can add value to Alaska’s economy, create high-wage jobs, and support U.S. national security and leadership in a clean energy economy; and 3. understanding of federal funding, incentives, and other tools available to help support critical minerals production and processing in Alaska. The meeting was a follow-up to a well-attended (over 100 attendees) and highly successful Critical Minerals Workshop held on February 22, 2023, at Alaska Pacific University in Anchorage, detailed here.


Dr. Erin Whitney

U.S. Department of Energy - Arctic Energy Office

Ryan Peay

Deputy Asst. Secretary - Office of Resource Sustainability
U.S. DOE - Office of Fossil Energy & Carbon Management

David Alleman

Director, Research for Oil & Natural Gas

Brent Sheets

Petroleum Development Laboratory at the University of Alaska

Dr. Jamey Jones

Acting Earth MRI Coordinator and Associate Center Director
USGS - Alaska Science Center

Dr. Evan J. Granite

Program Manager - Carbon Ore Processing
U.S. DOE - Office of Fossil Energy & Carbon Management

Caleb Woodall

Program Manager
U.S. DOE, Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management

Bob Loeffler

Research Professor of Public Policy
UAA Institute of Social and Economic Research

Dr. Jeremy Mehta

Technology Manager
The Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies Office

Michael McEleney

Senior Advisor
Department of Energy Arctic Energy Office (AEO)

Dr. Lee Ann Munk

Professor of Geochemistry and Geological Sciences
University of Alaska

Steve Masterman

Deputy Director
Alaska Critical Mineral Collaborative

Patty McGrath

Senior Mining Advisor
EPA headquarters Office of Policy

Dr. Helena Khazdozian

Senior Technology Manager
DOE-Advanced Materials & Manufacturing Technologies Office

Dr. Brandon Briggs

Professor - Department of Biological Sciences
University of Alaska - Anchorage

Dr. Lance Miller

Vice President of Natural Resources
NANA Regional Corporation

Dr. Guangping Xu

Principal Member of Technical Staff
Sandia National Laboratories - Geochemistry Dept.