Women Energy Leaders (WEL) Program Opening Conference

The Women Energy Leaders (WEL) Program Opening Conference will feature a panel of women energy leaders from the United States, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific. The discussion will focus on the panelists’ professional journeys and reflections on the challenges they faced, programs or policies that have advanced their professional journey, and the role mentors played in supporting women in the workplace.  

The event is intended to introduce the Women Energy Leaders (WEL) program,  implemented by the U.S. Energy Association (USEA) with funding from the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Energy Resources’ (ENR) Power Sector Program (PSP) and the U.S. Gender Equity and Equality Action Fund (GEEA). The program aims increase women's leadership in the clean energy sector in Southeast Asia and the Pacific by advancing the professional development of early- to mid-career level women in the clean energy workforce. The event will provide an overview of the project, the mentee and mentorship programs, and answer questions for potential WEL mentees and mentors interested in applying. WEL follows the completion of the predecessor program, Female Leaders in Energy (FLIE) program, funded by ENR and implemented by USEA from 2021-2023. 

Women Energy Leaders (WEL) Program Opening Conference #1 

Held during U.S. business hours 
January 10, 2024 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM Eastern Standard Time (EST)
January 10, 2024 9:00 PM – 11:00 PM Indochina Time (ICT)       


9:00 AM EST                 Welcome Remarks

                                      Speaker: Hon. Mark W. Menezes, President & Chief Executive Officer, USEA

9:10 AM EST                 Opening Remarks

                                      Speaker: Laura Lochman, Deputy Asst Sec for Energy Diplomacy, Bureau of Energy Resources U.S. Dept of State

9:20 AM EST                Overview of the Women Energy Leaders (WEL) Program and Q&A for Potential Mentee/Mentor Applicants   

                                      Speaker: Nancy Li, Program Manager, USEA

9:40 AM EST                 Panel: Advancing Women in Energy


                                      Sue Kelly, Member on the Board of Trustees, North American Electric Reliability Corporation (U.S.)

                                      Juliet Homer, Team Lead of the Energy Policy Analytics Team, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory – (U.S.)

                                      Donna Priadi, Country Director, Vriens & Partners – (Indonesia)

                                      Anaflor Candelaria, Asset Management AVP, Aboitiz Power Corporation (Philippines)

                                      Dr. Norasikin Ahmad Ludin, Assoc. Prof, Dep Dir at Solar Energy Research Inst, Univ Kebangsaan – (Malaysia)

                                      Moderator: Nancy Li, Program Manager, USEA

10:20 AM EST               Moderated Questions for Panelists

10:40 AM EST               Summary and Path Forward

                                      Concluding remarks

10:50 AM EST               Adjourn

Women Energy Leaders (WEL) Program Opening Conference #2

Held during Southeast Asia business hours 
January 16, 2024 9:00 PM – 11:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (EST) 
January 17, 2024 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM Indochina Time (ICT)


9:00 AM ICT                 Welcome Remarks

                                     Speaker:  Andrew Palmateer, Program Director, United States Energy Association (USEA)

9:10 AM ICT                 Opening Remarks

                                     Speaker: Laura Lochman, Deputy Asst Sec for Energy Diplomacy, Bureau of Energy Resources U.S. Dept of State

9:20 AM ICT                 Overview of the Women Energy Leaders (WEL) Program and Q&A for Potential Mentee/Mentor Applicants   

                                     Speaker: Nancy Li, Program Manager, USEA

9:40 AM ICT                 Panel: Advancing Women in Energy


                                     Renee Devine, New York Electric Vehicle and Demand Response, Program Manager, National Grid (U.S.)

                                     Ruth Yu-Owen, President, Upgrade Energy Philippines and Co-Founder, Connected Women – (Philippines)

                                     Häly Laasme, Delaware Energy Assistance Director, State of Delaware – – (United States)

                                     Kimberly Santiago, Senior Manager, ACEN Corporation – (Philippines)

                                     Yvonne Fatiaki, Manager Legal, Energy Fiji Limited (EFL) – (Fiji)

                                     Moderator: Nancy Li, Program Manager, USEA

10:20 AM ICT               Moderated Questions for Panelists                                      

10:40 AM ICT               Summary and Path Forward

                                     Concluding remarks

10:50 AM ICT               Adjourn

This virtual event will be recorded. If you have any questions, please email Nancy Li at [email protected]
Chatham House Rules apply. 


Hon. Mark W. Menezes

President & Chief Executive Officer
United States Energy Association

Laura Lochman

Deputy Asst. Sec for Energy Diplomacy
Bureau of Energy Resources, U.S. Department of State

Susan Kelly

Member of the Board of Trustees
North American Electric Reliability Corporation

Juliet Homer

Team Lead of the Energy Policy Analytics Team
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Renee Devine

New York EV and Demand Response Program Manager
National Grid

Dr. Norasikin Ahmad Ludin

Associate Professor and Deputy Director
Solar Energy Research Inst of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

Donna Priadi

Country Director
Vriens & Partners

Andrew Palmateer

Program Director
United States Energy Association

Nancy Li

Program Manager
United States Energy Association

Ruth Yu-Owen

Upgrade Energy Philippines, and Co-Founder, Connected Women

Häly Laasme

Delaware Energy Assistance Director
State of Delaware

Kimberly Santiago

Senior Manager
ACEN Corporation

Yvonne Fatiaki

Manager Legal,
Energy Fiji Limited (EFL)

Anaflor Candelaria

Asset Management AVP
Aboitiz Power Corporation (Philippines)