CCC/190 ISBN 978-92-9029-510-5

December 2011

copyright © IEA Clean Coal Centre



CCS is a R&D priority for China, covering all capture options, transport and storage, together with a

strong level of international co-operation. With regard to progression beyond research, there are some

very significant large industrial scale trials that are being funded and implemented by various Chinese

power generation, coal and oil companies. As well as part CO2 capture from coal fired power plants,

these include a full chain CCS trial on a coal to synthetic oil unit, which comprises part capture of the

CO2 vented from the coal gasifiers together with subsequent transport and storage in an aquifer. There

are also various CO2 enhanced oil recovery activities underway, reflecting China’s interest in CO2

utilisation. From a technical perspective, China is well positioned to move forward from these trials

towards demonstrations of various CO2 capture and utilisation/storage options. However, this will

require the global CCS community to fully engage with China as to how these projects can be best

financed and how (and to what level) the information arising can be disseminated to aid

complementary projects elsewhere. While the primary focus will be on the power sector, the prospect

of establishing CCS on clusters of coal to chemicals gasification units in certain regions of China

offers some early, lower cost opportunities for demonstration. Details, including likely CO2 emission

levels, on the modern, oxygen blown gasification units that are either operational or at the contracted

design/construction stage in China are included within an extensive annex to this report. At the same

time, China might benefit from further assistance with regard to characterisation of nationwide CO2

storage opportunities and in establishing regulations to ensure that large-scale commercial initiatives

do not compromise health, safety, and the environment.

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