USEA Chief Lauds FERC Chairman Chatterjee as 'Progressive' on Energy Cooperation
Lexington, KY — On Monday, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Chairman Neil Chatterjee and the University of Kentucky hosted the day-long EnVision Forum where U.S. energy industry and government leaders met to discuss top issues facing the sector.
The meeting assembled Trump administration officials, state utility commissioners, lawmakers, industry executives, and former FERC commissioners to talk about issues central to FERC jurisdiction such as pipeline constraints, the long-term outlook, and transforming the 21st century electric grid. But the meeting also explored community and workforce impact of the energy economy, the intersection of energy and telecom policies and the nexus between the energy industry and opioid epidemic.
USEA Executive Director Barry Worthington was invited to join the American Natural Gas on the Global Stage panel with: Charlie Riedl, Executive Director, Center for LNG; Greg Vesey, CEO, LNG Limited; Meg Gentle, CEO, Tellurian; Michael Curtis, EU Deputy Ambassador to the United States; Alan Armstrong, CEO, Williams; and Jason Bordoff of Columbia University.
In remarks after the Forum, USEA Executive Director Barry Worthington said: “FERC under Chairman Chatterjee’s leadership has demonstrated it understands the opportunity on the table for the U.S. energy industry as world energy demand continues to rise and the U.S. strives to expand energy access globally.
“We have a great opportunity to continue on our growth trajectory, but we also have hurdles in the way, namely infrastructure constraints.
“During the USEA Annual Meeting in May, Chairman Chatterjee described how he has streamlined the process by which FERC evaluates certificate applications for natural gas pipelines, and LNG import and export facilities. This is critical to our industry’s mission—to constantly improve energy production and delivery for energy and national security.
“Chairman Chatterjee also described a new framework for how to discuss climate change impacts on LNG orders. Bringing our industry stakeholders together in Kentucky shows how FERC values bipartisan discussion and how to advance the interests of American energy consumers.
“This year, FERC has approved five LNG export projects; the Commission’s progress has been tremendous. USEA applauds Chairman Chatterjee’s vision, understanding of our industry’s needs, and his leadership in advancing the development of much-needed LNG infrastructure.”
To speak with Barry Worthington, contact Dipka Bhambhani at [email protected] or 202-321-3337