Peter Lorenz

Senior Program Coordinator
United States Energy Association

Peter Lorenz serves as a Senior Program Coordinator for USEA’s Advancing Modern Power through Utility Partnerships (AmpUp), which strengthens the capacity of utility executives and employees in USAID-assisted countries to effectively manage and operate power systems, run financially viable businesses, develop energy resources, design off-grid power sources, and integrate different types of energy resources into their power grids. He is responsible for planning and implementing partnership activities in Central and South America, including training programs, workshops, conferences focused on the regulatory and legal framework necessary to successfully integrate renewable energies onto the electricity grid.

Peter holds a B.A. in Economics and Spanish from the University of Minnesota and a Masters in Global Development from Harvard University. Prior to joining USEA in January 2022, he was part of the Climate Leaders Program at the Harvard University Center for the Environment and his Master's capstone was on sustainable development education for municipal leaders in Panama. He previously worked for Aveva, Lynn Economic Opportunity and spent time with AmeriCorps working on issues of energy access in low-income communities.