Silvia Alvarado de Córdoba

Independent Consultant

Silvia Alvarado de Córdoba is an independent consultant with over 30 years of experience in covering a wide range of regulatory and market issues in Central America and the Caribbean. From 2012 to 2017, she served as director of the National Commission of Electricity (CNEE) in Guatemala, the body in charge of regulating the power market, including tariff reviews, quality of service regulatory enforcement, expansion of generation and transmission, supervision of power auctions carried out by the private off-takers, and the monitoring of the market transactions carried out by the ISO. Her prior experience includes serving as development manager for Globeleq, a British power investor in emerging markets, where she was in charge of developing Greenfield projects in the Americas region. During the period from 1992 to 1999, she served as project manager at the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) based in Guatemala, where she earned the Foreign Service National Award in 1997 for her work in assisting the Guatemalan government in the reform of the power and telecommunications sectors and promoting the privatization of distribution/generation assets, producing $700,000,000 in revenues to the country. She holds a BS in Chemistry and Biology from the San Carlos University in Guatemala, a degree in Upper Management from the INCAE Business School and specialized studies in renewable energy at the IFOA Institute in Bologna, Italy. Linkedin profile