CCC/193 ISBN 978-92-9029-513-6

January 2012

copyright © IEA Clean Coal Centre



The iron and steel industry is the largest industrial source of CO2 emissions due to the energy intensity

of steel production, its reliance on carbon-based fuels and reductants, and the large volume of steel

produced – over 1414 Mt in 2010. With the growing concern over climate change, steel makers are

faced with the challenge of finding ways of lowering CO2 emissions without seriously undermining

process efficiency or considerably adding to costs. This report examines ways of abating CO2

emissions from raw materials preparation (coking, sintering and pelletising plants) through to the

production of liquid steel in basic oxygen furnaces and electric arc furnaces. Direct reduction and

smelting reduction processes are covered, as well as iron making in a blast furnace. A range of

technologies and measures exist for lowering CO2 emissions including minimising energy

consumption and improving energy efficiency, changing to a fuel and/or reducing agent with a lower

CO2 emission factor (such as wood charcoal), and capturing the CO2 and storing it underground.

Significant CO2 reductions can be achieved by combining a number of the available technologies. If

carbon capture and storage is fitted than steel plants could become near zero emitters of CO2.

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