RFP Closed

REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS: F5 Big IP Web Application Firewall and Training for AKSHI
Implementing Agency:
United States Energy Association
RFP Closing Date:
May 1st, 2023
Questions Due Date:
April 24th, 2023
As part of the USAID Critical Infrastructure Digital Resilience (CIDR) Program, administered by DAI Global, LLC. USEA, under a DAI subaward, intends to procure on a fixed price agreement, firewall components and associated services for the Government of Albania (GoA) as described in this RFP. The specific end user for these goods and services is the Agjencia Kombëtare e Shoqërisë së Informacionit (National Agency for Information Society), (AKSHI) https://akshi.gov.al/
This RFP consists of the following documents (attached)
• Request for Proposals
• Excel Cost Spreadsheet
• Standard Subaward Template
• Special Terms and Conditions