RFP Closed

Workshop Series (3) on the Changing CCUS Market Space and 45Q

Funding Agency: 
United States Department of Energy
Implementing Agency: 
United States Energy Association
RFP Closing Date: 
October 4th, 2019
Questions Due Date: 
September 13th, 2019

The United States Energy Association (USEA), in cooperation with the DOE Office of Fossil Energy, seeks proposals for a consultant to organize three workshops that will:

  • Identify actual CCUS projects planning to employ the 45Q Tax Credit;
  • Present analysis showing 45Q opportunities at various scales and structures utilizing the DOE NEMS analysis and insights/resources from the DOE Deployment Initiative

The consultant will organize three workshops that will present information on potential opportunities for CCUS projects to an audience of industry stakeholders, government officials, non-governmental organizations and other parties interested in the deployment of CCUS technology.

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