USEA News & Articles

April 1st, 2021

In this issue:

  • Letter from Sheila Hollis
  • USEA AMM 2021 Promo
  • Women In Energy: Danielle Merfeld
  • USEA's Forward March feature
  • USEA Programs March Recap
April 1st, 2021

Danielle leads technical efforts to develop differentiated products and services across the broadest renewable energy portfolio in the industry, including onshore wind, offshore wind, grid solutions, solar PV...

March 25th, 2021
Washington, D.C. – USEA and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), in partnership with London Economics International (LEI) and Grid Advisors LLC...
March 16th, 2021

Inside this issue:

  • Letter from Sheila Hollis
  • Welcoming New USEA Member: ETAP
  • Women In Energy: Monalisa C. Dimalanta
  • Industry Spotlight: Tom Kuhn
  • USEA Programs Monthly Recap
March 16th, 2021
One year ago, the snow globe of our world was turned upside down and the prospect of a busy year full of business meetings, receptions, lunches, dinners, celebrations, and travel was ripped away...
March 3rd, 2021

Washington, D.C. – Last week, following her confirmation by the U.S. Senate, Jennifer Granholm was sworn in as the 16th Secretary of Energy by Vice President Kamala Harris. Granholm, who was the first woman elected Governor in Michigan, is the second woman to serve as Secretary of Energy.

In a statement, USEA Acting Executive Director Sheila Hollis said:

“USEA congratulates Jennifer Granholm on her U.S. Senate confirmation as the next Secretary of the Department of Energy (DOE).

March 1st, 2021
Countries across Europe and Eurasia are planning to triple or quadruple the amount of wind and solar energy on their power systems by 2030...
February 26th, 2021

The Texas deep freeze was close to the sum of all fears for electric and gas utilities. If it could go wrong, it did go wrong, and Texans suffered. It has been a shot heard around the world.

Clearly Texas must rethink, rebuild, and reprioritize. Everything in the state is on the table, from its electric isolation to whether it should be under the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) umbrella with new interconnections to the national grid.

The first priority is to find out what happened, generator by generator, system by system and fuel by fuel.

February 26th, 2021

Monalisa presently holds various leadership positions in the government and private sectors. She is Chairperson of the Philippine National Renewable Energy Board (NREB) since her appointment by the Philippine President...

February 23rd, 2021
Tragically, last week, an unprecedented weather event triggered a nightmare energy crisis that left much of Texas, Louisiana, and Oklahoma in chaos after a massive winter storm knocked out vital energy and water infrastructure.
February 4th, 2021

In this issue:

  • Letter from Sheila Hollis
  • State of the Energy Industry Forum Recap
  • Women In Energy: Jolene Cicci
  • USEA Program Monthly Recap
  • February 201 Calendar
February 3rd, 2021

Jolene Cicci began her career as a labor employee 30 years ago at the Hatfield Power Plant in Greene County. She did that for two years, before a lineman position opened up. In 1991, Cicci began a five-year training progression to become a line worker...

February 3rd, 2021
Nearly thirty years ago, with support from USAID, USEA and our European partners -- Poland, Hungary, and the Czech and Slovak Republics -- desynchronized their electric networks...
January 21st, 2021

Washington, D.C. – United States Energy Association Acting Executive Director Sheila Hollis issued the following statement congratulating President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris:

January 15th, 2021

There is a growing overproduction of electricity from solar and wind, but solar in particular, especially in the Southwest. Utilities are in a rush to find ways of saving this electricity and balancing their systems

Batteries and other storage systems are all on the table, along with what may have the most promise: green hydrogen. This is hydrogen made by electrolysis, using surplus electricity.

The Europeans are ahead of us, but more and more U.S. utilities are looking at hydrogen as the companion to alternative fuels.

January 12th, 2021

In this issue: 

  • 17th Annual USEA State of the Energy Industry Forum Promo
  • USEA Proudly Supports UN Energy Efforts in Europe
  • Upcoming USEA Virtual Press Briefing
  • USEA Programs Monthly Recap
  • January 2021 calendar
January 11th, 2021

Agnes M. da Costa, as Head of the Regulatory Advisory Office at the Brazilian Ministry of Mines and Energy, is an internationally recognized energy specialist with more than 15 years advising Ministers in energy and natural resources policy design in Brazil.

December 11th, 2020

In this issue:

  • Letter from Sheila Hollis
  • Recap of 30th Energy Efficiency Forum
  • Sheila featured in November issue of Public Utilities Fortnightly
  • Recap of USEA Virtual Press Briefing on Financed Emissions
  • Women In Energy: Carol Dodson
December 8th, 2020
Regional energy integration across Eastern Europe and Eurasia is reaching a level of maturity that promises economic and environmental benefits, but only if we sustain our US commitment and investment there.
December 4th, 2020
On Wednesday, at the 30th Annual Energy Efficiency Forum co-hosted by USEA, The Alliance To Save Energy, and Johnson Controls, eight individuals were inducted into the Energy Efficiency Forum Hall of Fame.