Guillermo Bautista Alderete

Director of Market Analysis and Forecasting
California Independent System Operator Corporation (CAISO)

Guillermo is the DIrector of Market Analysis and Forecasting with the California Independent System Operator in the United States. He is in charge of the areas of market validation, market performance and operation analysis, generation of demand and renewable energy forecasts, calculation of reference offers for market power mitigation, and negotiations and estimates of generating unit operating costs. Previously, Guillermo served as manager of the market analysis and development unit and also as manager of the ISO's market validation unit. Prior to the management positions, Guillermo held various technical positions at the ISO in the vice presidencies of Operations, Information Technology, Market Infrastructure, and the vice president of renewable energy integration. Guillermo is a regular contributor to industry discussions on electricity markets and has contributed to several technical capacity building projects sponsored by USAID and NARUC. Prior to joining ISO, Guillermo was a professor in the management science department in Canada and a mathematics professor in Mexico.
Guillermo holds a PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering in the area of power markets and optimization from the University of Waterloo, Canada, and a master's degree in power systems operation from the Instituto Politécnico in Mexico. He has written more than 20 articles in technical journals and presented his contributions in more than a dozen countries. He is the author of a book on competition in energy markets and part of another book on financial transmission rights. He has served as a reviewer for technical journals such as IEEE Transactions on Power Systems and The Energy Journal. He recently completed his cycle as Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.