April 4th, 2023

Hydrogen Naturally, Inc. has found the key to removing gigatons of carbon from the atmosphere: power facilities and communities with Bright Green™ Hydrogen made from residual forestry waste fiber. Hydrogen Naturally, Inc. Executive Chairman Ian MacGregor will give an overview of how and why this innovative system works—and how it provides indigenous ownership and durable jobs in the transitioning energy market.

March 13th, 2023

The world’s greatest machine, the U.S. electricity supply system, will begin to sputter in a few years as more is asked of it than it can deliver with its present resources and constraints. 

February 10th, 2023

December 14th, 2022

Utilities in at least three regions of the country -- the Midwest, the South and New England --  and Texas should be prepared for winter energy shortfalls and load shedding. This is the consensus of numerous prognostications, including from the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), the industry’s own forecaster.

November 17th, 2022

After the final results are tallied from the midterm elections, it is likely that Republicans will have a narrow House majority, while control of the Senate will hinge on a December runoff in Georgia.

October 28th, 2022
Transmission is the wild card in the future of the U.S. utility industry as it struggles to meet the twin demands of load growth and decarbonization.Ideally, the windy prairies and sunny deserts should be supplying power via long HDVC lines running between the renewables-rich West and the power-needy East.
September 30th, 2022
Study after study finds that the United States must double its electricity production by 2050 in order to meet the surging demand for electricity in transportation. The anticipated load is for surface vehicles, but the aviation industry is looking at electric flight.
August 19th, 2022
Four major factors are coinciding that will affect the future of nuclear power: a recognition that achieving net-zero by 2050 requires nuclear in the energy mix; an availability of federal money due to the infrastructure bill and Inflation Reduction Act..
July 22nd, 2022
The future role of natural gas in U.S. electricity generation is under the microscope. At present, 38 percent of the nation’s generation is from gas. The current vision of the Biden Administration and some utilities is to significantly reduce reliance on natural gas...
June 29th, 2022
The electric utility industry is roiled by supply chain chaos. Across the industry, there are tales of operation and maintenance delays, shortage-induced rescheduling, and crews standing idle, waiting for materials as conventional as bolts.
