To address the challenge of leading the United States to secure national independence from rare earth element (REE) offshore reliance, the United States Department of Energy in 2014 performed an initial assessment under its Feasibility of Recovering Rare Earth Elements program, to assess the potential recovery of REE from coal and coal by-products which included run-of-mine coal, coal refuse (mineral matter that is removed from coal), clay/sandstone over/under-burden materials, ash (coal combustion residua
Many thought leaders say there is a significant danger of destabilizing the world energy situation if natural gas is eliminated, as nations aren’t yet prepared for a full transition to renewables.
Join Beth (Hardy) Valiaho from the International CCS Knowledge Centre (Knowledge Centre) in a discussion about how the organization has seen positive momentum from applied learning of the Boundary Dam CCS facility and increased buy-in globally on CCUS as a part of net-zero commitments.
Never has resilience in the electric utility industry been more critical than it is right now. Extreme weather -- heatwaves, hurricanes, and arctic blasts -- and constant cyber threats are everyday occurrences. These events can interrupt power supply calamitously at any time and without a scintilla of warning.
The United States Energy Association, in collaboration with journalist Llewellyn King, will address the impact of the megadrought in a virtual press briefing featuring a panel of industry experts who will be questioned by reporters.
The United States Energy Association is proud to host Coyote Clean Power (CCP), the Colorado Energy Office, the Southern Ute Indian Tribe, and Svante, in a discussion around carbon capture in Colorado and the Southern Ute Indian Reservation.
The Colonial Pipeline cyberattack broadened the parameters of concern about perpetrators, from bad state actors to wanton criminals, seeking to devastate U.S. energy systems. No longer is cyber insecurity just a worry for utilities. Now all energy supplies are vulnerable.
It is the goal of the Biden administration to shape a future electric industry that is carbon-free with abundant storage. How will this massive push be accommodated, and who will benefit?
As the US continues on its path of decarbonization and goal of a low to zero carbon economy, one huge opportunity in this transition is the use of CCUS.