USEA News & Articles

September 8th, 2020

Ms. Ntombifuthi Ntuli is the CEO of the South African Wind Energy Association (SAWEA). She was appointed to this leadership position in September 2019 and is tasked with steering the industry as it takes a central role in South Africa’s energy transition, by drawing on her deep knowledge and talents gained during 14 Years of experience in the energy and related sectors.

She has a strong background Renewable Energy policy and research environments having previously worked for the CSIR as a Research Group Leader: Energy Industry, where she focused on assessing the economic impacts of the energy sector transition including, jobs, SMME development, industrialisation as well as socio-economic development. 

Ntombifuthi holds an MPhil Degree in Energy Studies (University of Johannesburg) and a Certificate in Economic and Development Policy (University of Witwatersrand). She is an Alumna of the United States International Visitor Leadership Programme (IVLP) as well as the African Programme on Rethinking Development Economics (APORDE).  Previously she worked for the Department of Trade and Industry as a Director: Green Industries, where she was responsible for facilitating the development of the local renewable energy manufacturing industry. Before joining the DTI, she spent 3 years at the Embassy of Denmark working as a Coordinator for the Business to Business Programme, where she facilitated business linkages between Danish and South African companies. Prior to that she spent 7 years in Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality working on Energy and Climate Change programmes.

August 28th, 2020
Today, at the USEA Board of Directors meeting, USEA Chairman Sheila Hollis was appointed Acting Executive Director. Her appointment comes in the wake of the sudden passing of longtime...
August 15th, 2020
It is with profound grief, we announce the death of our executive director, Barry Worthington, who passed away Friday at his home in Maryland.
August 4th, 2020

Black Sea electric transmission system operators (TSOs) responsible for planning and dispatching the high voltage electricity grids in their countries signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) reaffirming their 16-year commitment to cooperate on regional network planning.

August 3rd, 2020

Barbara Tyran brings outstanding federal / state government relations experience, following two decades as Director, Washington & State Relations, in EPRI’s Washington DC office. She was the principal liaison between EPRI executive management, and Congress, the Administration, the national trade associations, state legislators / regulators, and the Washington policy community.

July 15th, 2020

Washington, D.C. – Today, the Trump administration streamlined the way federal and state agencies will assess the environmental impact of proposed critical infrastructure projects, a new process that includes better engagement with the public and Native American tribes.

July 8th, 2020

By Will Polen, USEA Senior Director

The U.S. International Development Finance Corporation—America’s development bank—is considering an end to its policy prohibiting financial support for nuclear power projects. The resulting investment in U.S.-produced advanced nuclear technology would provide critically needed energy solutions to developing nations around the world.

July 8th, 2020
Two major energy pipeline projects, which would have carried essential fuel from oil and gas fields to population centers in the Southeast and the Midwest, were shut down this week.
July 7th, 2020

Angela Livino is the Director of Corporate Management Division at the Brazilian Energy Research Office (EPE in its Portuguese acronym). EPE aims at supporting the Brazilian Ministry of Mines and Energy’s (MME) energy policies with studies and research on energy planning covering electricity, oil, natural gas and its derivatives and biofuels. EPE studies cover the areas of engineering, economics, modeling, policy and environment and where they overlap. 

June 24th, 2020
Barry K. Worthington is the executive director of the United States Energy Association (USEA). Through its membership, USEA represents 150 members across the U.S. energy sector.
June 12th, 2020

Electricity markets (wholesale trade between generators/resellers) around the world have been working to integrate fragmented systems for decades, taking advantage of the benefits that come from integration: improved price transparency, lower risk, accelerated private investment in clean technologies, and enhanced systems operations.

June 3rd, 2020

U.S. Energy Association’s office in Washington, D.C. will be closed until further notice in accordance with Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser's COVID-19 response and reopening plan.

Protecting USEA staff, our members and partners from COVID-19 and helping them manage this health crisis is our priority.

Thus, our briefings and meetings will be virtual until further notice.

June 1st, 2020

Cheryl A. LaFleur is a nationally-recognized energy leader. She is a Distinguished Visiting Fellow at the Columbia University Center on Global Energy Policy, focusing primarily on the adaptation of the electric and natural gas sectors to the challenges of climate change.

May 27th, 2020
There is promise—and progress—in the development of carbon capture, utilization and storage, and clean energy technologies. In rural America, especially, the potential for next generation CCUS is both a lifeline for economic and job security and a benefit for the environment.
May 20th, 2020
Today, in its first hearing since President Trump declared a national emergency in March to combat the COVID-19 outbreak, the Senate Energy and Natural Resources (ENR) Committee advanced the nomination of Mark Menezes to become Deputy U.S. Energy Secretary.
May 19th, 2020
In August 2002, I wrote a piece for the now-defunct “The World & I” magazine, called “We Still Have an Energy Crisis.”  Today, nearly 18 years later, the same headline can be written.  But it is an amazing, even shocking turn of events.  Today, our crisis is an oversupply crisis – not a crisis of scarcity.
May 13th, 2020
USEA is in its 9th week of working from home with our office completely closed. And we will likely be closed another few weeks to comply with the extended stay at home order of Washington, DC Mayor, Muriel Bowser. 
May 11th, 2020

Energy is fundamental to health security, national security, and democracy. Utility companies around the world are on the front lines of the current pandemic, taking extraordinary steps to keep power flowing to hospitals, homes and other critical services.

May 4th, 2020
Electricity markets around the world have been working to integrate fragmented systems for several decades, and it is still a work in progress.
May 1st, 2020

Ms. Wasantha Perera is the present Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Power & Energy in Sri Lanka. Prior to this she has served as Permanent Secretary to the Ministries of Health and, Science, Technology & Vocational Training.